Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are We Safe Now

     On May 2, 2011 Osama Bin Laden was killed by an operation by the government of the United States of America. He was the most feared known terrorist of our time because of the act 911 incident, which killed a great deal of Americans. 
     I believe the search for Bin Laden by our late President George W. Bush was a joke to our country well as a slap in the the face to the Americans. The result of this search led to war and many of our troops dead or severely wounded in some way shape, form or fashion.Our current President  Barack Obama took this situation of Osama Bin Laden in his own hands, knowing that there was a price to pay for the fear and perhaps future attacks against us on American soil.This investigation was confidential by our government and Barack Obama had great success apprehending this terrorist and bringing him to justice. Bin Laden was killed during the apprehension. I believe he got off easy; not being able to see the pain and fear he caused. I rather he lived to be judged,then put to death on national television in front of all the nations to see that we are not tolerating with terrorism or any other foreign countries who thinks the same as Bin Laden.
     There were people celebrating the death of Bin Laden which I can understand because the lives he has effected in a major way. To tell the truth Bin Laden has effected all of us when he declared war on the USA because I sympathize with the families of that horrific tragedy on 911 not to mention the other attacks he drew up leading to the Twin Towers. There are people who feels celebrating is not appropriate in this situation or maybe because they weren't effected as much as the people celebrating. When the Twin Towers was hit, there were other nationalities cheering with joy in the USA, so what does that tell you ? I can honestly say that people have the right to celebrate if they wish after all this is a free country. 
     The only problem that could occur from the killing of Osama Bin Laden is if the leader who takes his place is worse than the previous, then we would have the same fear of more attacks against us as retaliation.

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