Thursday, April 28, 2011

Social Networking

     I am a user of facebook, I usually check my mail once a day and sometimes I wont check it for weeks at a time. I have used facebook for a year, introduced to me by my cousin. I heard about it six months prior to getting an account. This social network has grown and continues to grow tremendously as I'm writing. People believe that this social work is needed to express themselves in various ways. I agree to certain extent that sharing photos, videos and comments. I think this information is exciting with family and friends but there are plenty of predators out here that could use your personal information against you.
     I don't understand when people have two - thousand friends and maybe know two hundred; what are they trying to prove by having all those friends. I have approximately two hundred and nine and know every one of them. It is wonderful to converse with family when they are in other states; sharing events that I wasn't able to attend such as marriages and graduations. Then close friends form childhood that moved to other states and cities; its nice to see them and their families. It's good to have some sort of contact after so many years. On my page,there is limited personal information about me being that I am a private person.  The internet is a open area of net working and once your information is entered on line; there are millions of surfers reading the material and analyzing for personnel objectives that harm you.
    There are millions of people who are addicted to this social networking, checking and on this website the majority time through the day; either to be in everyone's  business or because they don't have anything more useful with their time.In classes I seen students having their page open and not doing anything. It seem as if their waiting for something to transpire and most of the time this does not happen. I have more important business to attend to than being on facebook.
     The jobs that takes time to enter onto someones page is invading peoples privacy because how and why would your page affect your performance on a job especially if your qualified for the position. This goes to show that these companies can and will discriminate against a person for whatever reason, although you  shouldn't post any info on there that should incriminate yourself because once a person place it online its not their information anymore; it belongs to the world.