Thursday, April 21, 2011


     I plan to acquire a degree in Rehabilitation Services from Wright State University.The reason for this choice is because of the circumstances I have been through in life, giving experience on certain issues such as abuse, and family  problems. My experiences from growing up in a single parent home was very difficult for my sister and me.Our mother did a great job in raising us, despite the adversities that life brought our way. When our parents divorced, I was fifteen years old and hardly seen him; what made it worse, he wasn't much a father for the time he was there. I was starving for a relationship with him and at the time of my parents marriage and didn't get it. When the divorce was final; he didn't want anything to do with my sister and I. The pain was tremendous then and I learn to deal with it in other ways; I found other ways to release my anger, which didn't benefit me at all.
     The other was alcoholic abuse from my father which got worse as the years went by. Seeing him get wasted the whole week-end was sickening and watching him come home from work late sick and stumbling was very hurtful to me as a kid. I knew he was the reason for the divorce and the pain he cause our family. Years has passed on and at the age of nineteen, I knew kids, family, and well as  friends. would come to me for advice. I would give them a positive and honest opinion on how I felt and what I think would help out in their situation; most off the times I was correct making feel competent but never thought anymore about it for a career. That is why I chose to be a counselor, to help individuals or families who are going  go through the pain of any kind of abuse or family matters.
     Dayton has not been the place of  happy memories for me; I plan to receive my degree and get some experience under my belt. The joy of giving back to the community is going to be rewarding in many ways, I can't explain. My main purpose for this adventure is to change individuals and families lives in a positive effect. I really wouldn't mind leaving Ohio and move east or south where I have family support but this also depends on how my career in counseling will be here; it's hard to predict the future.   

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