Monday, June 6, 2011

     If we lived in a post apocalyptic world and there was one book I could keep for the future.The book would be (Kings James) version of "The Holy Bible."
     The reason for my decision is based on the history and what is yet to come. This book teaches us about morals values, leadership, forgiveness, and how to love your neighbor.
     I believe the future generations need spiritual guidance as my generation taught. These values was taught to me as a child like the generations before me. This book of revelation has changed my ancestors lives well as mine. I know for sure without it, there wouldn't be any love because are naturally selfish.
     I believe that in the world of which we live in today; the older generations have forgotten about how they were brought up as kids. This shows a lack of laziness and teaching therefore handicapping the younger generation. In doing so, our world deals with malicious crimes imposed by the young adults that does not have morals and respect for one another. Secondly there are plenty of young parents who are raising kids. How can a child raise a child? This shows a lack of being taught about being responsible and having self dignity for one self. In families who has Jehovah or any religion a person choose from their family heritage tends to be more productive children well as  success in their lives because their is a guideline on how to conduct and live ones life.
     The movie "The Book Of Eli " displayed the significance and power the "The Holy Bible " possesses. The main character Eli (Denzel Washington) died for trying to get the Bible to a place where it would not be used for evil because of the powerful changes that would happen. This book is one of a kind which could never be replaced or imitated. Eli knew that if there was any chance of getting civilization back on track, "The Holy Bible "  was the key.  


Saturday, May 28, 2011

     The movie I would consider my all time favorite would be "The Green Mile." The reason that this story is interesting to me is because it showed a little about working on death row in the 1930's. The Green Mile was directed by Frank Darabont and produced by Darabon and David Valdes in 1999. This story was adapted from a Stephan King novel as the same name. The actors Paul Edgercomb( Tom Hanks), Michael Clark Duncan(John Coffey) and James Cromwell(Warden Hall Moores.) Paul was the leader of the cell block.They walk the men to their execution, they called this walking the green mile.
     Paul and his crew had the hardest job in the correction facility.There were some of the men who were guilty and a few innocent men being executed; the judicial system had its imperfections.
     One day when John Coffey arrived at the green mile, the guards were intimidated of him because of his size but he entered into the jail with no struggle. He was a country boy, mild manner and after he spoke, the gaurds wanted to know what crime did he commit to be put on death row.Paul told them that he raped two young white girls then killed them viciously. In 1939, there wasn't any justice for an African American,so more than likely the Court system wanted anyone to pay for the crime. After John Coffey spent a couple of days on the Green Mile; the guards couldn't believe he could have done such a crime.Coffey had a certain gift. He healed Paul from a urinary tract infection that medical doctors couldn't help cure; helping his sex life making the wife happy. The second miracle he performed was when he help save Warden Hall's wife from Cancer shocking everyone who worked on The Green Mile. The Warden well as the crew wanted to save John Coffey because they knew he didn't commit the crime that he was charged with.
     Coffey didn't complain, he had a beautiful spirit by helping people with his gift. He had another situation when he saved a mouse life and gave a little apart of himself to Paul which added life to them both.
     This movie had great actors and was directed well and had a good story to it. It showed Coffey was anointed and he wasn't worried abut the outcome and he still found in his heart to love and help people even if they were the ones to help lay him to rest.

Friday, May 20, 2011

     It seems like everyone needs to keep up with all the newest technology that comes out..People spend a lot of money or maybe  their last on trying appear like they have the funds to keep pace with the world in buying the product soon as it comes available.All over the world, companies are making billions off the consumers by telling and showing how you can have a smart phone and it is similar to a lap top so you can download pictures,messaging and even run your own business off it.
     Take this Black Berry phone for example; when a person gets lost it can be used for a GPS, two megapixel camera and video recorder, so you can take pictures or record graduations, enhanced browsing so its as you on your laptop and this phone is so advanced to watch television or movies. This phone has the speed to do anything you want to do. For anybody who gets intrigued by these features, you can purchase this smart phone for $ 180.00 with the rebate after signing a 2 year contract. People forget, perhaps not knowing how a contract could hurt them in many ways that cost a lot more than the phone is worth. These companies sells customers these advance phones that don't last six months. They are built so cheaply; the warranty is only 2 years with a high bill which never stay consistent.When this phone gets in an area and drops the signal, then how would a person feel about technology. I understand about having pleasant toys but there is a limit to everything especially when a person can buy at lower grade and still get everything needed to get the job done.Technology has took over in the majority of families in America. I think people shouldn't always believe the hype because a person can do just fine without every new technology that comes available.          


Saturday, May 14, 2011

     When I started at Wright State University in the fall, I didn't know what to expect from the students or the staff because coming back to school was a new experience for me. I was a little nervous being I as an older student and how intense the studies would be and dealing with a family at home.My fall quarter was the toughest, trying to get my study habits together well as making time for family never the less, I made it through onto the winter courses. The winter quarter instilled confidence within me when I pass all my classes and scoring a grade point average placing me in my major. 
      In the winter courses, I met one young man who was twenty years old and was struggling in a couple of classes. We would talk about how we were doing in our classes, sharing information and opinions on how we could improve in our classes. I told him that I was going to work harder to absorb the material in Political Life because I had a hard time in the beginning, this made him want to work harder also. At the week of the finals, I was sitting where I wanted with an A in the class while my buddy was still struggling. I told him that he has to make time for study and leave whatever that was blocking his time from studying. He had to take care of his priorities first because there will be time for playing afterwards. He would call me and talk to me about his situations and he wanted me to be proud of him. This made me happy because he cared about my opinion about him and after he left whatever that was disabling him, he done well. We still talk today from time to time; just touching bases with each other.
     I was feeling more confident in Spring Quarter knowing I can pass and achieve anything if I put the time and effort into it. I met an older man who works in Millet Hall, we talked about how it feels to be a non traditional student. He was happy to have non traditional students in the university because of the experience of life and possibly being mentors. He told me that there were going to be students coming to me for advice or for some one to listen. It was a pleasure to meet him because I look at him as a mentor.
     In Fall quarter, I met a young man in my Art class and we seen each other from time to time through the school year. Here we are three weeks till the end of Spring Quarter, I seen him while I was going to see my mentor and he stopped me to chat. He poured out his feelings about how hurt he was about the ending of Spring Quarter, praying he doesn't have to go back to his parents house because of the verbal and emotional abuse. He needed a job so he could stay on campus instead of going home to deal with the madness; I really sympathized with him. I told him that I was in a rush to see someone but whenever I tried to cut the conversation short by telling I had to take care of this important business for myself, he would keep on talking. I didn't want to leave this young man until he was done pouring out his emotions because he told me that his parents shut him down when he was a kid and he has been holding these feelings inside for a while. This young man had a hard time talking to anyone about his pain he was experiencing. We exchanged numbers and I told him he could call me anytime if wants someone to listen. What made him come to me intrusting in me with his problems; it blew me away and confirmed my choices in the major I am perusing.   

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are We Safe Now

     On May 2, 2011 Osama Bin Laden was killed by an operation by the government of the United States of America. He was the most feared known terrorist of our time because of the act 911 incident, which killed a great deal of Americans. 
     I believe the search for Bin Laden by our late President George W. Bush was a joke to our country well as a slap in the the face to the Americans. The result of this search led to war and many of our troops dead or severely wounded in some way shape, form or fashion.Our current President  Barack Obama took this situation of Osama Bin Laden in his own hands, knowing that there was a price to pay for the fear and perhaps future attacks against us on American soil.This investigation was confidential by our government and Barack Obama had great success apprehending this terrorist and bringing him to justice. Bin Laden was killed during the apprehension. I believe he got off easy; not being able to see the pain and fear he caused. I rather he lived to be judged,then put to death on national television in front of all the nations to see that we are not tolerating with terrorism or any other foreign countries who thinks the same as Bin Laden.
     There were people celebrating the death of Bin Laden which I can understand because the lives he has effected in a major way. To tell the truth Bin Laden has effected all of us when he declared war on the USA because I sympathize with the families of that horrific tragedy on 911 not to mention the other attacks he drew up leading to the Twin Towers. There are people who feels celebrating is not appropriate in this situation or maybe because they weren't effected as much as the people celebrating. When the Twin Towers was hit, there were other nationalities cheering with joy in the USA, so what does that tell you ? I can honestly say that people have the right to celebrate if they wish after all this is a free country. 
     The only problem that could occur from the killing of Osama Bin Laden is if the leader who takes his place is worse than the previous, then we would have the same fear of more attacks against us as retaliation.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Social Networking

     I am a user of facebook, I usually check my mail once a day and sometimes I wont check it for weeks at a time. I have used facebook for a year, introduced to me by my cousin. I heard about it six months prior to getting an account. This social network has grown and continues to grow tremendously as I'm writing. People believe that this social work is needed to express themselves in various ways. I agree to certain extent that sharing photos, videos and comments. I think this information is exciting with family and friends but there are plenty of predators out here that could use your personal information against you.
     I don't understand when people have two - thousand friends and maybe know two hundred; what are they trying to prove by having all those friends. I have approximately two hundred and nine and know every one of them. It is wonderful to converse with family when they are in other states; sharing events that I wasn't able to attend such as marriages and graduations. Then close friends form childhood that moved to other states and cities; its nice to see them and their families. It's good to have some sort of contact after so many years. On my page,there is limited personal information about me being that I am a private person.  The internet is a open area of net working and once your information is entered on line; there are millions of surfers reading the material and analyzing for personnel objectives that harm you.
    There are millions of people who are addicted to this social networking, checking and on this website the majority time through the day; either to be in everyone's  business or because they don't have anything more useful with their time.In classes I seen students having their page open and not doing anything. It seem as if their waiting for something to transpire and most of the time this does not happen. I have more important business to attend to than being on facebook.
     The jobs that takes time to enter onto someones page is invading peoples privacy because how and why would your page affect your performance on a job especially if your qualified for the position. This goes to show that these companies can and will discriminate against a person for whatever reason, although you  shouldn't post any info on there that should incriminate yourself because once a person place it online its not their information anymore; it belongs to the world.  

Thursday, April 21, 2011


     I plan to acquire a degree in Rehabilitation Services from Wright State University.The reason for this choice is because of the circumstances I have been through in life, giving experience on certain issues such as abuse, and family  problems. My experiences from growing up in a single parent home was very difficult for my sister and me.Our mother did a great job in raising us, despite the adversities that life brought our way. When our parents divorced, I was fifteen years old and hardly seen him; what made it worse, he wasn't much a father for the time he was there. I was starving for a relationship with him and at the time of my parents marriage and didn't get it. When the divorce was final; he didn't want anything to do with my sister and I. The pain was tremendous then and I learn to deal with it in other ways; I found other ways to release my anger, which didn't benefit me at all.
     The other was alcoholic abuse from my father which got worse as the years went by. Seeing him get wasted the whole week-end was sickening and watching him come home from work late sick and stumbling was very hurtful to me as a kid. I knew he was the reason for the divorce and the pain he cause our family. Years has passed on and at the age of nineteen, I knew kids, family, and well as  friends. would come to me for advice. I would give them a positive and honest opinion on how I felt and what I think would help out in their situation; most off the times I was correct making feel competent but never thought anymore about it for a career. That is why I chose to be a counselor, to help individuals or families who are going  go through the pain of any kind of abuse or family matters.
     Dayton has not been the place of  happy memories for me; I plan to receive my degree and get some experience under my belt. The joy of giving back to the community is going to be rewarding in many ways, I can't explain. My main purpose for this adventure is to change individuals and families lives in a positive effect. I really wouldn't mind leaving Ohio and move east or south where I have family support but this also depends on how my career in counseling will be here; it's hard to predict the future.   

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Television

     If we turn off all the televisions in the world; there would be positive and negative reaction on our children of today. Most kids would be lost without a PS3, EBOX 360 or any other video games.These games have so much control over our children, it's pathetic,.I think of all the parents who bow down to their children because of the kids addiction of fantasy. A survey was taken and the survey revealed ninety seven percent of kids in the world play video games; honestly, I think there would be a terrible reaction of rebellion but in all in all, In this situation, I am for unplugging the tv.
     We have the kids that are lazy as well as the parents therefore most of there time is laying around the house eating unhealthy foods that has a major effect on their lives;basically they live a sedentary lifestyle driving health care higher. These kids need to get out of the house to enjoy activities involving exercises and other sports activities. The problem with this is that most of our community centers are closed due to lack of leadership,.When I was a kid growing up, there were plenty of recreational centers therefore if you are not living in a community with a higher tax bracket, the kids are pushed aside to crime and other negativity.This practice of sedentary life falls solely on the parents.
     I would like to think of all the learning programs on television teaching our youth academically or life skills.These programs helps kids learn to read, solve math problems,history, and other education skills required to succeed in life. There are channels for teenagers to learn about life coping situations and showing them how to be responsible for their actions. Then we have a 12 year old kid by the name of Tommy who loves baseball every since he was five years old and that's what he wanted to do with his life.It is baseball season when the television is unplugged now he can not look at his heroes play the game. Many sports players and and other great careers were seen on television and having planted seeds into the mind of our children. These children often grows up and  pursued their dreams of what they seen as a child therefore being very successful. 
     I believe firmly that our children deserve to have all the tools in life to be educated in every aspect of life with morals,dignity and healthy but on the other hand I also believe television can be a distraction for some children; solely the lack of responsibility falls on the parents because they are the are the weakest link.    

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Palmer Hayden " Expecting A Change "

 Vernon E Rucker
 English - 101
  April 7, 2011      

             Palmer Hayden was born Peyton  Cole Hedgeman on January 15, 1890 in Widewater VA. He went to Cooper Union ,New York in 1920, Boothbay Colony, Maine in 1925, and Ecole des Beaux - Arts Paris in 1927. Haydens' paintings were controversial ; he is mostly remembered by Black American Culture.
             The reason I am supporting this artist is because  all of his paintings were unique and meaningful to me but this particular painting caught my eye of  how a African American man is sitting in the chair with a disgusted and weary look about him. I see a man who looks like he has been working in the fields or some sort of  back breaking labor job,putting in plenty of hours. My interpretation from the background, the walls looks old like in the early 1900s. His overall bibs are dingy, worn, and looks too small, as if he  is not making enough money to support his family, pay all the bills and buy any new clothes that fit. This man just got home from a hard day at work; more than likely with little pay and all he has to unwind on is a stool knowing most people would choose something more comfortable which he probably could not afford. He seems to be thinking to himself about how long will this struggle continue or is there a light at the end of the tunnel and when will these hardship years pass. When can a black man get a break? This man is strong, hanging in there along the same lines still thankful to have a job knowing  jobs were scarce in 1900s regardless of your color, yet being black was another strike against you.
            Hayden is in this picture was very descriptive in the way he seen Black Americans go through discriminatory barriers in his lifetime dating back as a child. He expressed himself vividly and clear so that people would learn his perspective on life in his days in addition the beauty in African Heritage.
           The works of Payton Hayden has been very rewarding to him and his career for instance the " Fetiche et Floeurs " which he won the Harmon Foundation Gold Award enabling him to continue his education in Paris. He also worked for the United States Treasury Arts Project.
           In conclusion I am enlightened by this artist to make me look at history through his eyes and learning to appreciate his talents in communicating with him in his experiences with us.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why I Chose To Attend WSU

Vernon   E   Rucker
Teri    Barker
English – 101
March 30, 2011
                                                     Why   I   Chose To   Attend   WSU
            I  have  been  to  Owens  Community  College  1997 – 2001  to  learn  how  to  build  structures,  roads  and  blue- print  reading.  Owens  helped  me  to  obtain  a  skill  to  take  care  of  my  family  but  I  was  not  happy  in  the  building  trades  due  to  very  long  hours.  Layoffs  was  a  major  problem  for  my  family  and  I,  especially  when  holidays  such  as  Christmas  and  New  Year’s  came  around.
            In  2003,  I  decided  to  try   my  luck  with  another  career.  I went to Sinclair Community College for Real-estate And Property Management.  My  main  objective  goal  was  to  become  a  broker; it  should  not  be  that  hard  selling  twenty  pieces  of  property,  well  that’s  what  I  thought  to  myself.  To  make  a  long  story  short,  I  could  not  go  without  money  for  months  until  property  was  sold.
            I  chose  Wright  State  University  because  of  the  outstanding  academic  programs  that  will  enable  me  and  prepare  me  for a  long  prosperous  career  in  counseling.  There  was  not  another  University  close  enough  for  me  to  commute.  Wright  State  will  give  a  Bachelors  in  Rehabilitation  needed  to  acquire  stability  in  something  I  love  and  always  wanted  to  do.  I  have  some  friends  and  family  whom  graduated  from  Wright  State  University  that  went  on  to  be  successful  in  their  careers  due  to  the  prestige  of  the  university.  Feeling  that  if  they  can  achieve  it,  I  can  also. 
            Being  at  Wright  State  has  shown  me  my  weaknesses  as  a  writer: grammar, punctuations, verb  tenses  and  using  the  same  word  repeatedly.  With  hard  work  and  dedication,  I  know  improvement  will  come.  I  guess  one  of  my  strengths  is  that  I  will  not  give  up  on  the  goals  set  forth.
            Reading  books  can  be  a  challenge  meaning  having  the  time  to  enjoy  but  when  I  get  time;  I  like  mysteries, biographies  and  motivational  books.
            Last  year  writing  was  not  my  favorite  hobby  but  in  Dev -082,  I  learned  to  express  my  thought  and  feelings  more  on  paper.  It  took  a  while  for  me  to  get  comfortable  because  I  did  not  want  to look  like  an  idiot.  I  guess  you  can  say  the  confidence  was  not  there. Writing  journals  can  be  a  pain  but  it  is  required.  Essays  are  more  enjoyable  to  write  freely  therefore  a  lot  of  details  can  come  to  life  to  the  audience.
            Being  this  is  my  third  quarter,  I  feel  confident  in  school  knowing  I  will  obtain  my   goals  to  succeed  in  life  although,  I  wish  the  commitment  was  in  me  twenty  years  ago.